
U.S. Embassy in Italy, Via Vittorio Veneto 121, 00187 Roma; tel. +39 (06) 46-741; fax +39 (06) 4674-2244; website: http://italy.usembassy.gov.

Italian Embassy in the U.S., 3000 Whitehaven Street NW., Washington, DC 20008; tel. (202) 612-4400; fax (202) 518-2151; website: www.ambwashingtondc.esteri.it.

Canadian Embassy in Italy, Via Zara 30, Rome, 00198; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.canadainternational.gc.ca/italy-italie/index.aspx?lang=eng&view=d.

Italian Embassy in Canada, 275 Slater Street, 21st Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5H9; tel. (613) 232-2401; fax (613) 233-1484; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.ambottawa.esteri.it.


Expat Contacts

Expatriates.com; website: www.expatriates.com



Bank of Italy; website: www.bancaditalia.it

Barclays; website: www.barclays.it

Monte dei Paschi di Siena; website: www.mps.it

Uni Credit; website: www.unicredit.it



Medi-Call, Studio Medico, Via Cremera 8, 00198 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 884-0113; website: www.medi-call.it. A 24-hour service.

Studio Medico Associato, Via Lorenzo il Magnifico 59; tel. +39 (055) 475-411 – For 24-hour medical assistance from an international staff in Florence

Italian Federation of Thermal Industries and Curative Mineral Waters (La Federterme); Via Po 22, 00198 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 841-9416; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.federterme.it.

Medical Centers in Rome

Aventino Medical Group, Via Sant’Alberto Magno 5, 00153 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 578-0738; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.aventinomedicalgroup.com.

Grimaldi Medical Group (gynecological care), Via Velletri 24, 00198 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 855-9577; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.grimaldimedical.it.

International Medical Center, Via Firenze 47, 00184 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 488-2371; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.imc84.com.

Studio Medico Internazionale, Via Nizza 22, 00198 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 841-3992.

Dental Services in Rome

Absolute Dentistry, Via Guiseppe Pisanelli 3; tel. +39 (06) 3600-3837; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.absolutedentistry.it.

American Dental Arts Rome, Via del Governo Vecchio 73, 00186 Rome; tel. +39 (06) 683-2613; website: www.adadentistsrome.com.

American Dental Studios, Viale Aventino 48, Rome 00153; tel. +39 (333) 906-1799; website: www.americandentalstudios.com.

Medical Centers in Milan

American International Medical Center, Via Mercalli 11, Milan; tel. +39 (02) 5831-9808; website: www.aimclinic.it.

Milan Medical Center, Via Angelo Mauri 3, Milan; tel. +39 (02) 4399-0401; website: www.milanmedicalcenter.it.


Health Insurance

Italian Health Insurers

Allianz; website: www.allianz.it

INA Assitalia; website: www.inaassitalia.it

Filo Diretto; website: www.filodiretto.it

Europ Assistance; website: www.europassistance.it

International Health Insurers

Bupa; website: www.bupa-intl.com

Aetna International; website: www.aetnainternational.com


Language schools

Accademia del Giglio, Via Ghibellina 116, 50122 Florence; tel./fax +39 (055) 230-2467; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.adg.it.

Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Napoli, 17 vico Santa Maria dell’Aiuto, 80134 Naples; tel. +39 (081) 552-4331; fax +39 (081) 552-3023; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.centroitaliano.it.

Centro Fiorenza, Via S. Spirito 14, 50125 Florence; tel. +39 (055) 239-8274; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.centrofiorenza.com.

Centro Machiavelli, Piazza S. Spirito 4, 50125 Florence; tel. +39 (055) 239-6966; fax +39 (055) 280-800; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.centromachiavelli.it.

Istituto Venezia, Campo Santa Margherita 3116, Dorsoduro 3116/a, 30123 Venice; tel. +39 (041) 522-4331; fax +39 (041) 528-5628; e-mail: [email protected]venezia.com; website: www.istitutovenezia.com.

Omnilingua, Via Roma 14, 18038 San Remo (Imperia); tel. +39 (0184) 599-828; fax +39 (0184) 591-708; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.omnilingua.net.

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Florence, Via Bufalini 3, 50122 Florence; tel. +39 (055) 261-181; fax +39 (055) 294-820; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.scuolaleonardo.com.

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Rome, Piazza dell’Orologio 7, 00186 Rome, Italy; tel. +39 (066) 889-2513; fax +39 (066) 821-9084; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.scuolaleonardo.com.

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Siena, Via del Paradiso 16, 53100 Siena, Italy; tel. +39 (057) 724-9097; fax +39 (057) 724-9096; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.scuolaleonardo.com.

Solemar-Sicilia, Via F. Perez 85a, 90010 Aspra (Palermo), Italy; tel. +39 (091) 955-561; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.solemar-sicilia.it.

Sorrentolingue—Centro Linguistico Internazionale, Via Marina Grande, 16, 80067 Sorrento (NA), Italy; tel. +39 (081) 807-5599; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.italianlanguagecenter.it.


Real Estate Contacts

Italy has a number of real estate agencies and property portals that cover the whole country:

Casa.it; website: www.casa.it

Casa Italia, Piazza della Vittoria, 26, 06049 Spoleto (PG); tel. +39 (0743) 220-122; e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.casait.it.

Gabetti; website: www.gabetti.it

Immobiliare.it; website: www.immobiliare.it

RE/MAX; website: www.remax.it

Tecnocasa; website: www.tecnocasa.it

Toscano; website: www.gruppotoscano.it



Euro Home; website: www.eurohomemilano.com

Grimaldi Ca’d’oro Immobiliare; website: http://www.cadoroimmobiliare.it/

La Corte dei Trull; website: www.lacortedeitrulli.it

Milligan & Milligan; website: www.italy-rentals.com

Pitcher and Flaccomio; website: www.pitcherflaccomio.com

Rental in Rome; website: www.rentalinrome.com

Roman Reference; website: www.romanreference.com

Roman Homes; website: www.romanhomes.com

Trulli Online; website: www.trullionline.com

Trullidea; website: www.trullidea.it

Umbria Rentals; website: www.umbria-rentals.com

Venice Apartment; website: www.veniceapartment.com

Venetian Apartments; website: www.venice-rentals.com

Wanted in Rome; website: www.wantedinrome.com