Looking for Culture, Comfort and Low-Cost Living? Try Guatemala

Looking for Culture, Comfort and Low-Cost Living? Try Guatemala

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April 16, 2021

It's largely thanks to these folks that Guatemala has such a rich and unique culture. And it's this culture that entices many of the expats who have made their homes here. "I love how different it is, and I want it to stay that way, too," says Jean Johnson who lives in the colonial city of Antigua. "It's like traveling into some epic or bygone landscape," says Portland-native John Kin, of traveling around the highlands.

Feeling at Home on Portugal’s Southern Coast

Feeling at Home on Portugal’s Southern Coast

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December 20, 2020

Rick Steffens, a professional musician, and his wife, Victoria, who worked as an intensive care unit nurse, always knew they’d retire overseas. “We love traveling, but we couldn’t afford to keep our house in California and travel at the same time,” Rick explains. Now, retired on the south coast of Portugal, between the Algarve’s dramatic beaches...