Retire in Brazil

Brazil is a great place to retire–it’s exotic, romantic, and diverse. And it’s filled with more opportunity for the expat, investor and retiree than most any country on the map.

Brazil is larger than the continental U.S., and when you retire in Brazil you’ll have thousands of miles of stunning beaches to explore, each lined with dynamic and vibrant cities. The weather in the Northeast is balmy all year, with warm sparkling waters and swaying palms. Inland you’ll find lush mountain regions, colonial cities, and the vast Amazon basin.

Brazil’s culture is one of the richest and most fascinating on earth, having added the cultural influences of Europe, Africa, and Asia to its indigenous roots.

Best of all, Brazil is affordable for retirees. There’s almost nowhere in the world where you can buy a comfortable beachfront home for less than $90,000…or a rolling
green estate of 8.5 acres with a nice home for less than $125,000.

The city of  João Pessoa is a favored retirement destination for Brazilians from São Paulo, Rio and other cities in the northeast. Many professionals and former civil servants choose the comfort and safety of João Pessoa over their own hometowns.

Some of these retirees are younger, and seeking a healthy lifestyle…and you can certainly find that in João Pessoa.

Retiree Benefits in Brazil

When you retire in Brazil and become a resident, you are entitled to import your household effects and personal items free of import duties. You must be moving to Brazil as a new resident, or as a returning resident who has been gone for more than one year to avail of this.

The Retiree Visa in Brazil

This is for retired people (or those with a pension or annuity of some kind) over 60 years old, and their dependents. There is no limit to the number of dependents who may also receive permanent residence visas, but the main applicant must provide proof that they are genuine dependent relatives.

You must have a verifiable income of at least $2,000 per month to retire in Brazil. This will cover the applicant and two dependents. If you’re bringing more than two dependents, you’ll need to show $1,000 per month income for each additional dependent beyond the first two.