“Which coastal areas in Panama should we consider retiring to?”

“Which coastal areas in Panama should we consider retiring to?”

My husband & I will be travelling to Panama in September to have an initial look as to whether we would like to retire there. As my husband is a scuba instructor we would like to look at coastal areas. My question is where should we be looking? Linda Card – Panama Correspondent Hi Jaci, Read more...: “Which coastal areas in Panama should we consider retiring to?”

Can you recommend somewhere low cost for a single 50 year old woman who loves the outdoors and beaches?

Can you recommend somewhere low cost for a single 50 year old woman who loves the outdoors and beaches?

Hello, all! I could use some advise. I’m a single 50 year old woman who is adventurous and loves the outdoors and beaches. I am at a point where I’m changing careers and want to lower my overhead/ expenses so I can build my business. I am looking for a nice but affordable furnished studio Read more...: Can you recommend somewhere low cost for a single 50 year old woman who loves the outdoors and beaches?

Moving overseas with pets: best destinations?

Moving overseas with pets: best destinations?

Seriously considering an overseas move but we have 4 dogs and 2 cats, and I noticed that many places have small apartments / condos as their primary form of housing. I’d like to be near / on water, reasonably near a town of some size, and in a dog-friendly community where aI can get a Read more...: Moving overseas with pets: best destinations?

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Ask the Experts Guidelines

Please read the following guidelines if you wish to participate in International Living’s social media forums, including the International Living Facebook page, International Living Linked-In Group, International Living on Twitter and International Living Ask The Experts. These guidelines may be updated and it is recommended that you check back every once in a while for Read more...: Ask the Experts Guidelines

5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

5 Low-Cost Countries Where You Can Live on $1,500 a Month or Less

By choosing to retire in one of the world’s best bang-for-your-buck destinations, Rob enjoys a lifestyle well beyond his reach if he had stayed in the U.S. Every day he can choose to relax on the beaches around his home in the town of Sihanoukville, on the Cambodian coast, dine on fresh French croissants…rent a sailboat or go fishing on an offshore charter…

Banking and Social Security When You Move Overseas

Banking and Social Security When You Move Overseas

“It’s easy to get your Social Security benefits abroad if you wish,” says IL Mexico Editor Glynna Prentice. “Arguably the easiest way to get them abroad is by electronic transfer to your local foreign bank account in the foreign country. However, “not all foreign banks will accept direct deposits of U.S. Social Security checks, so if you want your Social Security delivered to a local bank, make sure to choose one that does,” says Dan Prescher.