June 2023: Your Latest Issue of International Living Magazine

I’ve been spending time in Ireland, living in a small seaside cottage called The Thatch. No address, just a zip code. But any local knows where to find it.

Expats regularly report a no-address existence feels like going back in time… simplifying your life, reconnecting you with yourself and others… and reminding you of what’s important.

I’ve experienced it here at The Thatch, and it’s borne out in the stories in your new June issue…


Is Greece the New Portugal for Easy European Residency?

Greece is well known for sun-drenched islands like Corfu, but what are the options for year-round living? We investigate.

IL Lifestyle Editor Sean Keenan delivers a gorgeous exposé on what it’s like to live year-round on Rhodes and Corfu, a “soft-lit theme park of colonial Europe.”

Read his story here.

Also this month…

  • Jeff Opdyke recently opened a bank account in Ireland… and it was a lot easier than he expected. He’ll walk you through how he did it and explain why having a European bank account is a good way to diversify your wealth.
  • Global real estate expert Ronan McMahon has crafted a way to live anywhere in the world for free. Learn his secret.

Plus: A new French visa that could be good news for second homeowners… The no-tax tropical island that offers the perfect retirement for sailors (and landlubbers)… And where to get top-notch dental care on vacation.

You’ll find these stories—plus lots more—in your June issue of International Living magazine.

Access the full issue online.


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